Jin Lab @ Westlake

Welcome to
Jin Lab
School of Engineering
Westlake University
Let’s embrace the beauty of life and enlighten this friendly universe!
Group News
Nov, 2024
Xiangquan joined the lab as research assistant.
Sep, 2024
Jin Lab celebrates the 40th Teacher's day!
Grateful to have all of you in this family and cherish every moment together!

Sep, 2024
Yi and Qian have embarked on their graduate career!
Zexin's postdoctoral collaboration with Zhong Lab at Cornell University has resulted in a publication in JACS.
Check how Supramolecular Assembly of Fused Macrocycle-Cage Molecules can facilitate Lithium-Ion Transport!
Aug, 2024
Zhi joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
July, 2024
Ruiyuan and Jianing started their summer internships at Jin Lab.
July, 2024
Yihui joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
Jieyu joined the lab as research assistant.
May, 2024
Hao joined the lab as research assistant.
April, 2024
Quanli joined the lab as research assistant.
Jin Lab's 1st Family Photo : )

Dec 18, 2023
Zexin's postdoctoral collaboration with Nuckolls Lab at Columbia University has resulted in a publication in JACS.
Discover the insights into a new Near-Infrared, Organic Chiroptic Switch with High Dissymmetry Factors!
Dec 10, 2023
First Group Party! Let's go!

Dec 5, 2023
Jiaxiang joined the lab as research assistant.
Nov 9, 2023
The group enjoyed the first Group Dinner!

Sep 1, 2023
Qian joined the lab as research assistant.
Aug 28, 2023
Yi joined the lab as research assistant.
Aug 20, 2023
The Jin Lab has been officially established!
Zekang, Chang and Tianyu joined the lab as graduate students.
May 2023
The Jin Lab renovation project starts!
Liyue joined the lab as administrative assistant.
Tianyu joined the lab as visiting student.

Feb 2023
Zexin accepted an offer from Westlake University. He will return to China in Fall and start his own independent lab at Westlake University, Hangzhou, China.
Mailing address:
No.600 Dun Yu Road, Xihu District
School of Engineering
Westlake University
Hangzhou City
Zhejiang Province
China, 310030